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    HPE G2 Swtd 7.3kVA/60309 Vt INTL PDU

    • HPE G2 Swtd 7.3kVA/60309 Vt INTL PDU



    • Obsolete Date 31-12-2022
    • End of support date 31-12-2027


    • Weight 6.53 kg
    • Warranty HPE Power Distribution Units are supported with a limited 3-year warranty which automatically assumes the HPE Foundation Care service coverage level of any covered HPE ProLiant server in the same rack.
    • Power distribution Single Phase
    • Weight 14.4 lb
    • Outlet type C-13 and C-19
    • Mounting options 0U/Vertical
    • Product dimensions (H x W x D) 2.05 x 2.09 x 68.90 in
    • Minimum dimensions ( H x W x D) 5.21 x 5.31 x 175.01 cm
    • Power capacity 5kVA to 10kVA


    • QuickSpecs (PDF)
    • QuickSpecs (HTML)


    Looking for a flexible and accurate power distribution solution that supports both local and remote power management? The HPE G2 Switched Power Distribution Unit (PDU) provides both local and remote power management for your IT racks. An LCD screen provides local monitoring and alert indications, while remote access and configuration are available through Secure Web, SNMP, CLI, or Telnet interfaces. Remote outlet monitoring offers ±1% billing grade accuracy while remote switching capabilities support power on/off functionality to remotely reboot equipment or restrict outlet usage. The G2 Switched PDU features a low-profile, single-piece design that provides multiple mounting options with ease of access to rear devices for maintenance. It is compatible with all Advanced and Enterprise Series racks, as well as with many non-HPE racks using standard button and keyhole mounting. Multiple options are available supporting vertical/0U configurations.

    What's new

    • HPE offers multiple G2 Switched PDU form factors that promote efficient use of space in the rack and provide flexibility in how each PDU can be mounted and configured with cables.
    • Color-coded receptacles on single and three phase models to easily distinguish between the different load segments/phases.
    • Hot swappable Network Management Card (NMC) supporting zero power down-time when maintenance required.
    • Choose the optional Locking Power Cord for secure cable retention to both the PDU and target device.
    • Remote access through industry-first PDU support for 1Gb Ethernet
    • HPE G2 Switched Power Distribution Units (PDU) can operate reliably in rear rack temperatures of up to 60°C for extended periods of time, helping to reduce power requirements for rack cooling.


    The PDU is also compatible with a wide range of non-HPE racks using standard button and keyhole mounting.

    HPE G2 Switched Power Distribution Units are designed to provide complete compatibility with Advanced and Enterprise Series racks.

    Compatible With a Wide Range of HPE and Non-HPE Rack Solutions

    Add an optional environmental sensor which can measure air temperature and humidity in the front or rear of the rack, sending alerts over the network based on user-defined thresholds.

    Support for integrated power cord retention on all IEC receptacles that work with standard power cords.

    Install PDU units side by side on both sides of the rack with the outlets facing in towards the center of the rack for high density configurations.

    Each PDU can be installed on either side of the rack with outlets facing the back of the rack for easy access and improved clearance.

    HPE G2 Switched Power Distribution Units feature a low-profile, single-piece design supporting multiple mounting options and ease of access to rear devices for maintenance.

    Flexible, Simple Installation and Maintenance

    Designed for vertical/0U rack configurations offering both half and full-height form factors.

    Local And Remote Power Distribution Management

    HPE G2 Switched Power Distribution Units (PDU) with remote outlet switching provides power on/off capabilities to remotely reboot equipment or restrict outlet usage.

    Remotely access and configure each PDU through secure Web, SNMP, CLI, or Telnet Interfaces with the ability to daisy-chain up to four units to share the same network connection and IP address.

    Operational capability to 60°C in the rear of the rack for continuity of power should rack temperatures spike.

    An advanced LCD screen on HPE G2 Switched Power Distribution Units (PDU) provides local monitoring and alert indications.

    Supports both Local and LDAP security with multiple access levels to provide enhanced security.


    • HPE G2 Switched Power Distribution Units
    • Managing IT rack power with HPE G2 Advanced and Enterprise Power Distribution Units technical white paper

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