Over 225,000 oracle decks sold! Horoscope and astrology enthusiasts can harness the power of the Moon with these stunning oracle cards and guidebook inspired by the lunar cycle--from Yasmin Boland, the bestselling author of Moonology, hailed as "the greatest living astrological authority on the Moon" (Jonathan Cainer, astrologer extraordinare). These oracle cards are the original Moonology cards, and many would agree the very best! They were designed to help you tap into the Moon's ancient feminine wisdom and form a powerful spiritual and divination tool that will guide you. This deck is structured into four parts to reflect the journey of the Moon through the year, with cards for New and Full Moons in each sign of the zodiac, the different phases of the lunar cycle, and Eclipses and Supermoons. Use this deck to: Create your life. You can decide if you like what you're currently creating for your future or you can decide to do something to change the path you're on.Planning your life. See which cards come up and make some solid plans.Predict your life. Once you start to become familiar with the cards, you will see that you can make some very clear predictions for yourself and anyone you read for. Example Card Meanings: Balsamic Moon - A time for healingPulling this card suggests that the past is in the past and a bright future is beckoning. This is also a time to surrender and wait to hear guidance from the Universe. New Moon in Taurus - Prosperity lies ahead This card will often come up when you're enquiring about a financial matter or when you're doubting your self-worth. The card suggests you can have what you want - but you must believe in yourself. Supermoon - Emotions are running highThis card suggests that the answer to whatever you're asking is writ large like the silvery Full Moon set against the velvety night sky. If you're wondering how successful something is going to be, the answer is very. Full Moon Eclipse - Conclusions are within reachWhat you're experiencing now is what your soul signed up for - a way for you to learn and for your soul to evolve. So, allow events to unfold and be easy on yourself. "I am thrilled to bring you this oracle deck that draws down the wisdom of the Moon. The Moon is our cosmic guide, our magical timer, and has provided counsel for millennia. These cards allow you to receive the Moon's guidance.My hope is that this oracle deck will also be full of magic and enigma, and will illuminate your way just as the Full Moon illuminates the night sky.The Moon is guided by the Divine Mother and I dedicate these cards to her." - Yasmin Boland Within each phase, the deck explores the unique power of the Moon as She moves through the signs of the zodiac, and the amazing ways these energies can influence the emotions and experiences of your daily life. Whenever you need to make an important decision, just pick a card and let the Moon guide you!. .
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