Winner of a 2023 IACP Cookbook Award and the Golden Poppy Book Award in the Glenn Goldman Cooking category Six California Kitchens is the quintessential California cookbook, with farm-to-table recipes and stories from Sally Schmitt, the pioneering female chef and original founder of the French Laundry. "Schmitt, the founder of California's famed French Laundry restaurant, reflects on the food that defined her life, in this sumptuous collection of recipes and tales from the kitchens that inspired them. [...] Fans of Alice Waters won't want to miss this delectable page-turner."--Publishers Weekly Sally Schmitt opened The French Laundry in Yountville in 1978 and designed her menus around local, seasonal ingredients--a novel concept at the time. In this soon-to-be-classic cookbook, Sally Schmitt takes us through the six kitchens where she learned to cook, honed her skills, and spent her working life. Six California Kitchens weaves her remarkable story with 115 recipes that distill the ethos of Northern California cooking into simple, delicious dishes, plus evocative imagery, historic ephemera, and cooking wisdom. With gorgeous food and sense-of-place photography, this is a masterful, story-rich cookbook for home and aspiring chefs who cook locally and seasonally, food historians, fans of wine country, and anyone who wants to bring the spirit of Northern California home with them. PERSON OF NOTE: Sally Schmitt, who passed away just five days after her 90th birthday in 2022, was the great unsung hero of California cuisine, a pioneer of the farm-to-table movement, and original founder of the French Laundry restaurant in Napa Valley. This book celebrates a respected, reputable chef and shares a collection of her best recipes from a lifetime of cooking. AMONG THE BEST COOKBOOKS THAT CAPTURE CALIFORNIA CUISINE: From a native Californian chef, who founded one of the most well-known and revered restaurants in California (and in the world), this book was written, photographed, and designed by members of Sally's family. COMPELLING PACKAGE: This book is full of evocative images of Napa Valley, rustic kitchens, and the rugged California coastline. With lifestyle photography that offers a peek into the history of Northern California and its food revolution, this book will appeal to readers with its lovely design and package--but they'll stay for the inspiring story and approachable recipes. Perfect for: Home cooks who cook locally and seasonally or enjoy California cuisine Foodies who collect regional cookbooks rich with history and visuals Shelve alongside Gjelina, Tartine, The Lost Kitchen, and Julia Child's My Life in France Fans of the French Laundry, Thomas Keller, Alice Waters, and David Chang . .
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